Original T-Bag Designs – Last recycled tea bag from England

I met Sally two years ago in the Shakespeare Museum in Washington DC. We were tourists on adventures. After the museum tour was over, we chatted along with her friend from Virginia and my husband, retired from the English Department at the United States Air Force Academy, where he spent many hours teaching literature to cadets.

We took photos that day and exchanged email addresses. Sally and I have been enjoying emails and snail mail from across the pond ever since. Most recently she sent a hand crafted card made by a friend of hers. Inside with a note from Sally, there was a tea bag and a poem.

“I cannot visit you today

 As you are so far away

 But use this teabag for your tea

 Sit down, relax and think of me.”


Thinsulate insulated Rosebud Rhapsody Kup Kap on mug.

Thinsulate insulated Rosebud Rhapsody Kup Kap on mug.

So with a smile, I did just that. The ceramic mug is a gift from Colleen in Japan that she bought on a trip to London a few years ago. She also gave me the Debbie Mumm small book.

When the cup of hot tea was a fond memory, I dried the tea bag, prepared it, and put it in the box to South Africa as the last bag to go in. It’s well traveled having come from England to the United States and then to South Africa. After it’s made into a pretty item by the crafters and artists at Original T-Bag Designs, I wonder where it will travel to next!

Original T-Bag Designs -- Post 4 of 4

Post 1.  Need recycled tea bags

Post 2.  Preparing the tea bags

Post 3.  Packing the box