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Teavana loose teas – Ruby Spice Cider

Springtime in the Rockies in Colorado can mean a sunny day in the 60’s or a snowy cold day in the 20’s. This is the time of year you drink iced tea one day and hot tea the next.

Perhaps you have enjoyed a Teavana® Oprah Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte or a Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte in Starbucks. You don’t have to visit a Starbucks to enjoy Teavana teas because the company has their own stores located in malls across the country.

Thinsulate insulation Autumn Leaves Kup Kap on a Teavana large mug. 

For a snowy Spring day, try Ruby Spice Cider, a tisane (no tea leaves or caffeine). The mixture is filled with pieces of cinnamon spiced apple, pomegranate, berries, sweet plum, orange peels, grapes, and much more. A dash of raw honey will add sweetness.

Insulated thinsulation Words of Friendship Tea Tabard over a teapot; Insulated thinsulation Friendship Kup Kap on Teavana large mug. 

The directions for brewing are on the package of Ruby Spice Cider. Use a tea cozy to keep a second mug of tisane hot in your teapot. Use a tea strainer when you pour into the mug. Hopefully Spring will be warmer tomorrow!

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