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Savory Spice Shop hot chocolate recipes

Thinsulate insulated Music Krescendo Kup Kap on measuring cup.

Savory Spice Shop has a basic hot chocolate recipe using a variety of spicy cocoas and sugars. For a single serving, I poured the milk into a measuring cup then heated it in my microwave. I placed a Kup Kap lid on the measuring cup while I mixed two tablespoons of the hot milk with the cocoa and sugar in my mug. The milk stayed hot while I stirred the mixture into a smooth paste.

I made three mugs of hot chocolate. The first mug with Dutch cocoa and Peppermint Vanilla Bean Sugar was yummy excellent. I loved the second cup with Mexican Cocoa and its smooth cinnamon taste. The third cup made with Mayan Cocoa is for hot spice lovers that enjoy a burn on the throat. I had a fun afternoon getting my chocolate fix from Savory Spice Shop in Colorado Springs!

Gift boxes from Savory Spice Shop, Kup Kaps, and beautiful mugs make great gifts!